'Have we hit peak punctuation?' asks Megan Garber in The Atlantic. She highlights a growing trend towards excessive, almost epic, levels of...
Hiring a marketing agency means paying someone else to sweat the specialist stuff so you don't have to. But it's no good unloading one set...
Typography affects your credibility Errol Morris carried out an experiment on New York Times readers. Presenting the same information in...
When I arrived at university in the late 1980s, I had a Mac, a laser printer, an account on CompuServe and a mobile phone. I think I had...
Bad writing is expensive. You can spend a lot of money building a great website and ruin it with lousy copy. Spelling mistakes alone are...
'Short words are best and old words when short are best of all,' said Winston Churchill. He won a Nobel prize for literature and his...
Case studies work. They persuade prospects that your products and services are credible and fit for purpose. In sales, they can make the...
Pixar story artist Emma Coats has tweeted a series of rules of storytelling so you can learn how to tell a story the Pixar way:
From experience, here are 12 danger signs for business relationships between agencies and their clients.
Around 3.2 million people in the UK fall for mass marketed scams ever year – around one person in every fifteen. Swindles cost the public...