The first step to good B2B tech content writing is to avoid bad writing altogether.
Much like everything you write, your content marketing efforts must tell a story. And, no, we’re not just talking about that ‘once upon a...
Disclaimer first. Blogs don’t come with a formula. No matter how finely you crunch the data, you will not find this secret prize buried in...
How to edit. Everyone has their own views on this topic. Do you tell it straight? ‘Sandwich’ criticism between two compliments? When is a...
No-one is good at everything. 'In order for a business to grow, there needs to be a healthy level of collaboration and delegation,’ says...
Just what you were looking for: a marketing jargon-buster. Phew.
In a classic episode of South Park, Gnomes steal underpants as part of a business scheme that they hope will be hugely profitable. They are...
Why do companies insist on using press release Frankenquotes? For a classic example, see this from our old friends Nortel:
This piece is from the heart. I’ve made my fair share of marketing mistakes running two tech companies – Intelligent Games and Turbine –...
An effective call-to-action is critical to inbound marketing. Get it wrong and your content-driven inbound marketing strategy could fail.