Content is important for SEO, right? Yes. The more content the better, right? Yes. But not just any content. And not at any price.
As copywriters, we feel very strongly that words are just as important to a marketing or website design project (and their respective ...
We've said it before and we're going to say it again: features don't sell, benefits do.
Inspired by the extreme programming movement, at Articulate we put two writers on every project in a process we call 'pair writing'. They...
'Have we hit peak punctuation?' asks Megan Garber in The Atlantic. She highlights a growing trend towards excessive, almost epic, levels of...
I have only been writing professionally for a few months but I've already learnt some valuable lessons about what it means to write for a...
Some people just seem to have a knack for it: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Tim Harford, my old gender and sexuality tutor Monica Pearl (trust me,...
Here at Articulate we deal with all sorts of sizes and shapes of copywriting projects. Some come with precise briefs and ideal...
As a writer, I inevitably enjoy the specificity of language. I can still remember the etymological discovery that 'fabula' is the Latin...
Can design communicate as much as content? And what does it mean to combine the two? Matthew and I met with a couple of editing experts,...