Carlsbad Caverns National Park
English: - Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a United States National Park located in the southeastern corner of New Mexico in Eddy County.
Deutsch: - Der Carlsbad-Caverns-Nationalpark befindet sich in New Mexico, USA.
Français : - Carlsbad Caverns National Park est un parc naturel aux États-Unis, situé dans le coin sud-est du Nouveau-Mexique dans le comté d'Eddy.
Polski: - Park Narodowy Carlsbad Cavern (ang. Carlsbad Cavern National Park) jest położony w USA w stanie Nowy Meksyk.
Location of Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Delaware Basin map
Photos of the Outside and the Natural Entrance
The natural entrance to Carlsbad Cavern lies just beyond the bat amphitheater.
Photos of the Interior
The forces of water decorated the cave in an almost endless array of spectacular limestone formations like this column and array of stalactites.
Carlsbad Caverns panoramic image.