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Category:Broadway (Manhattan)

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<nowiki>Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Бродуей; Broadway; Broadway; Бродвей; Broadway; 브로드웨이; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; בראדוועי; ब्रॉडवे (न्यू यॉर्क); Brodveja; Broadway; Бродвеј; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Brodvey küçəsi; Broadway; برودواي; Broadway; 百老匯大道; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Бродвей; Broadway; Broadway; Брадвей; خیابان برادوی; 百老匯; Broadway; ბროდვეი; ブロードウェイ; ברודוויי; 百老汇; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; 百老汇; Broadway; Broadway; Brodvėjus; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Broadway; Բրոդվեյ; Broadway; Бродвеј; Broadway; บรอดเวย์; Μπρόντγουεϊ; Broadway; via di Manhattan a New York; avenue nord-sud de l'arrondissement de Manhattan à New York; самая широкая и длинная улица Нью-Йорка; Haupt- und Geschäftsstraße im New Yorker Stadtteil Manhattan; famosa avenida em Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos; Нью-Ёрк; katu New Yorkissa, Yhdysvalloissa; gade i New York; ulice v New Yorku; ニューヨーク市マンハッタンの目抜き通り; famosa avenida em Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos; gata på Manhattan i New York, USA; ulica v New Yorku; road in Manhattan, New York City, United States; назва найдовшої вулиці Нью-Йорка; grote straat in Manhattan, New York; széles sugárút New Yorkban, az amerikai színjátszás központjaként ismert; vía pública de Nueva York, en la isla de Manhattan, Estados Unidos; רחוב ברודוויי בניו יורק; 미국 뉴욕 주 슬리피할로에서 시작되어 뉴욕 맨해튼 남쪽 끝까지 이어지는 거리; avenida da cidade de Nova York (Estados Unidos); Avenuo en Novjorko; δρόμος στο Μανχάταν; sráid in Manhattan; Broadway (Manhattan); Great White Way; Wickquasgeck Trail; Heeren Wegh; Heeren Straat; Broadway Street; Heerestrat; شارع برودواي; Broadway (Manhattan)</nowiki>
road in Manhattan, New York City, United States
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Map40° 46′ 12.5″ N, 73° 58′ 55.45″ W
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Wikidata Q11260
VIAF cluster ID: 315146061, 350154381063930292695
GND ID: 4075359-1
Library of Congress authority ID: sh86002484
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11977351q
NL CR AUT ID: ge1079102
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000775053
BabelNet ID: 00013259n
J9U ID: 987007548742405171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 9694397
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English: Broadway, as the name implies, is a wide avenue in New York City, which runs the length of Manhattan and through the Bronx. It is the oldest north–south main thoroughfare in the city, dating to the New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is the English translation of the Dutch name, Breede weg. "Broadway" became a metonym for the American theater industry in New York City.

Note: This category is for pictures of buildings on Broadway or of the street itself.

Media in category "Broadway (Manhattan)"

The following 182 files are in this category, out of 182 total.