Category:Pictures by PioM
This is category with multimedia created by user PioM
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Pictures by PioM"
The following 110 files are in this category, out of 110 total.
Aachen Church CoA.svg 875 × 725; 237 KB
Abbot.png 1,000 × 975; 181 KB
AbbotGeneralCoA PioM.svg 1,950 × 1,900; 269 KB
Abchazja-roundel.png 700 × 445; 34 KB
Afghanistan-roundel02.png 450 × 450; 33 KB
AlfonsoDelgadoArchbishopsCoA PioM.svg 860 × 870; 357 KB
ApostolicProtonotaryCoA PioM.svg 1,650 × 1,145; 206 KB
Arcbishoppallium.png 1,000 × 1,005; 182 KB
Archbishop CoA PioM.svg 858 × 870; 305 KB
ArchbishopPallium PioM.svg 860 × 870; 309 KB
AugustinCoA PioM.svg 1,160 × 1,050; 275 KB
Augustincoa.png 1,910 × 1,701; 478 KB
Coat of Arms of Benedictus XVI.svg 762 × 1,021; 32 KB
BishopCoA PioM.svg 1,499 × 1,380; 188 KB
Bishopcoa.png 1,002 × 929; 150 KB
BPlatterDeutscherOrdenCoA PioM.svg 1,470 × 1,340; 330 KB
BPlatterDeutscherOrdenCoA.png 1,000 × 908; 166 KB
BranchiostomaLanceolatum PioM.svg 2,165 × 704; 70 KB
CanonPriestCoA PioM.svg 1,220 × 950; 148 KB
CardinalCoA PioM.svg 1,780 × 1,570; 453 KB
CistersCoA PioM.svg 1,100 × 1,325; 168 KB
Cisterscoa.png 1,272 × 1,504; 421 KB
Coabxvi.png 405 × 546; 91 KB
Coat of arms of Teutonic Order.svg 1,520 × 1,380; 274 KB
Coat of arms of the Teutonic Order.png 1,000 × 908; 151 KB
ControlSurfaces.gif 400 × 204; 306 KB
Cyprus-roundel low.svg 602 × 602; 269 bytes
Domestic PrelateCoA PioM.svg 1,390 × 965; 198 KB
Dziekan.png 797 × 646; 93 KB
FireIcon.svg 313 × 427; 8 KB
Francescocoa.png 1,500 × 1,348; 158 KB
HekaNemesNechacha PioMs.svg 1,890 × 1,530; 73 KB
Honorkappap.png 936 × 646; 173 KB
Imperatores Romani.svg 960 × 720; 7 KB
Inkscapepiom1.png 894 × 600; 183 KB
Inkscapepiom2.png 891 × 601; 177 KB
Inlineskate backbrake PioM.gif 500 × 427; 120 KB
Inlineskate directionchange PioM.gif 500 × 427; 113 KB
Inlineskate leftturn PioM.gif 500 × 427; 139 KB
Inlineskate turnbrake PioM.gif 500 × 427; 169 KB
Ioannes Paulus IICoAsimple.png 2,000 × 2,424; 430 KB
JHHChurch Turek PioM.jpg 2,320 × 2,295; 3.95 MB
Joy.svg 470 × 760; 96 KB
Joyopis.svg 620 × 820; 117 KB
JoystickDirections.svg 560 × 770; 108 KB
Kanonik.png 835 × 646; 90 KB
Kardinalcoa.png 1,050 × 962; 271 KB
Kidney PioM.png 1,000 × 1,018; 343 KB
KidneyStructures PioM.svg 2,600 × 2,640; 127 KB
KidneyStructures.svg 1,600 × 2,590; 114 KB
DE-ST 15-0-82-180 Koethen COA.svg 288 × 323; 27 KB
KowaryFabrykaDywanow PioM.jpg 2,930 × 1,565; 2.6 MB
Lancetnikinside.png 1,600 × 529; 243 KB
MKSTurStadiumPanorama PioM.jpeg 25,267 × 2,005; 12.38 MB
Monastergen.png 941 × 646; 121 KB
Heinrich Mussinghoff Aachen CoA.svg 875 × 825; 235 KB
Orn ext Grand maître de l'Ordre Teutonique.svg 1,520 × 1,380; 254 KB
Papapr.png 970 × 646; 187 KB
PatriarchNonCardinal PioM.svg 1,330 × 1,220; 391 KB
Paus 2helmets COA PioM.svg 5,100 × 3,700; 95 KB
Paus arms (lines only).svg 1,531 × 1,691; 1.58 MB
Paus arms (simplified).svg 1,531 × 1,691; 1.58 MB
Paus arms only.svg 1,531 × 1,691; 1.58 MB
Paus COA (comital).svg 1,877 × 2,412; 105 KB
Paus Family COA PioM.svg 4,300 × 3,000; 53 KB
PioM Backplate and wingBCD.jpeg 4,090 × 4,330; 6.43 MB
PioM mailadd.png 300 × 37; 9 KB
PioM Waterproof zipper closing.jpg 2,626 × 2,630; 4.16 MB
PL Kowary 1stMayStreet PioM.JPG 2,780 × 2,184; 3.51 MB
PL Kowary Church Holiest Virgin Maria PioM.JPG 2,264 × 3,072; 2.57 MB
PL Kowary Franciszkanie PioM.JPG 2,948 × 2,020; 2.83 MB
PL Kowary Ratusz PioM.JPG 2,163 × 2,169; 2.47 MB
PL Kowary Ratusz2 PioM.JPG 2,332 × 1,996; 2.73 MB
PL Kowary TownHall front PioM.JPG 2,304 × 3,072; 3.29 MB
POL Babiak COA.svg 750 × 846; 23 KB
POL Konskie COA PioM.svg 500 × 501; 16 KB
POL Opoczno COA PioM.svg 500 × 500; 6 KB
POL Turek COA PioM.svg 500 × 500; 15 KB
PopesPrelateDiFiochettoCoA PioM.svg 1,520 × 1,020; 305 KB
Prepozyt.png 1,000 × 975; 188 KB
Priest.png 797 × 646; 82 KB
Priest.svg 920 × 750; 16 KB
Primate PioM.svg 1,330 × 1,220; 436 KB
PrimateNonCardinal PioM.svg 1,330 × 1,220; 401 KB
Primatenoncardinal.png 1,050 × 961; 222 KB
ProvostOrAbbotCoA PioM.svg 2,350 × 2,290; 268 KB
Pyrrhic War Italy PioM.svg 590 × 464; 62 KB
Rational1.png 1,212 × 818; 266 KB
Rationale2.png 1,486 × 656; 184 KB
Rationale3.png 1,333 × 845; 235 KB
Robal.png 1,920 × 1,334; 660 KB
Roundel of Argentina.svg 602 × 602; 269 bytes
Roundel of Greece.svg 602 × 602; 269 bytes
Roundel of Switzerland.svg 600 × 600; 189 bytes
Sauselard marks.svg 1,125 × 225; 27 KB
Sauselard SentinelGame.svg 988 × 938; 57 KB
Spanish Air Force roundel.png 400 × 400; 15 KB
SPQRomani stable.svg 940 × 720; 50 KB
SPQRomani.svg 931 × 548; 43 KB
BishopSridarunsil PioM.svg 1,760 × 1,600; 220 KB
BSridarunsil.png 800 × 729; 167 KB
Stegotooth.svg 580 × 460; 34 KB
TechnicalTram.png 370 × 128; 11 KB
TerritorialAbbotCoA PioM.svg 1,950 × 1,900; 260 KB
Tooth26RootCanal.png 924 × 1,368; 549 KB
TURCinemaTurek PioM.jpg 2,719 × 1,758; 2.29 MB
VicarForane DeanCoA PioM.svg 2,500 × 2,030; 136 KB
VicarGeneralCoA PioM.svg 1,180 × 820; 221 KB
Wappen Koethen.png 345 × 425; 20 KB
WzorMiastoPL.svg 1,920 × 877; 240 KB