Denali National Park and Preserve
Denali National Park and Preserve is located in Interior Alaska and contains Denali, the tallest mountain in North America. The park covers 9,492 mi² ([24,585 km²).
[edit]Main category: Maps of Denali National Park
Locator map -
Park road map
[edit]Main category: Landscapes of Denali National Park
Autumn Colors
Autumn Foliage
Rainbow over the Tundra
Denali National Park
Wonder Lake
On the way into Denali National Park
Alpine forest and lakes in Denali
Sunrise over mountains in Denali
Colourful vegetation
The Park near Savage River
Alaska Range
Ruth Gorge
Ruth Glacier and the Great Gorge
Eilson Visitor's Center Panorama
Polychrome Mountains (Wide Panorama)
Zoomviewer -
Polychrome Mountains (Closeup Panorama)
[edit]Main category: Denali
From Ruth Amphitheater
From the George Parks Highway
Panoramic view of the mountain
[edit]Main category: Animals of Denali National Park
Alces alces (female organism) -
Ursus arctos horribilis
Grizzly and cubs
Caribou herd running
Unidentified marmot
Unidentified rodent
A caribou on a road in Denali National Park
A wolf with the hindquarter of a caribou
Bull moose in Denali