The Data Science Lab
How to Do Machine Learning Evolutionary Optimization Using C#
Resident data scientist Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research turns his attention to evolutionary optimization, using a full code download, screenshots and graphics to explain this machine learning technique used to train many types of models by modeling the biological processes of natural selection, evolution, and mutation.
Evolutionary optimization is a technique that can be used to train many types of machine learning models. Evolutionary optimization loosely models the biological processes of natural selection, evolution, and mutation.
Although it's possible to learn about evolutionary optimization by seeing how it works with an abstract problem, in my opinion it's better to start with a concrete example. In this article I demonstrate how to use evolutionary optimization to train a logistic regression model. Along the way, I'll explain how to adapt the example to other types of machine learning models.
Logistic regression classification is arguably the most fundamental machine learning technique. Logistic regression can be used for binary classification, for example predicting if a person is male or female based on predictors such as age, height, weight, and so on.
Take a look at the demo program in the screenshot in Figure 1. The goal of the demo is to predict the authenticity of a banknote (think dollar bill or euro) based on four predictor values (variance, skewness, kurtosis, entropy). The demo sets up a population of six possible solutions then uses eight generations of evolutionary optimization to find successively better solutions.
Behind the scenes, the demo program sets up a training dataset of 40 items. In the first generation, the best solution is at [5] in the population and that solution has prediction accuracy of 60 percent (24 correct, 16 wrong) and error of 0.2266. After eight generations of evolution, a solution is found that scores 87.50 percent accuracy (35 correct, 5 wrong) with 0.0956 error.
The demo concludes by displaying the four weights and one bias values for a logistic regression model: (-0.9435, -0.8266, -0.2915, -0.6601, -0.0369). In a non-demo scenario, these values would be used to make a prediction, or be saved to file for later use.
This article assumes you have intermediate or better skill with C# and a basic understanding of logistic regression but doesn’t assume you know anything about evolutionary optimization. The code for demo program is a bit too long to present in its entirety in this article but the complete code is available in the associated file download.
Understanding the Data
The demo program uses a small 40-item subset of a well-known benchmark collection of data called the Banknote Authenticity Dataset. The full dataset has 1,372 items, with 762 authentic and 610 forgery items. You can find the complete dataset in many places on the Internet.
The raw data looks like:
3.6216, 8.6661, -2.8073, -0.44699, 0
4.5459, 8.1674, -2.4586, -1.4621, 0
. . .
-3.5637, -8.3827, 12.393, -1.2823, 1
-2.5419, -0.65804, 2.6842, 1.1952, 1
Each line represents a banknote. The first four values on each line are characteristics of a digital image of the banknote: variance, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy. The fifth value on a line is 0 for an authentic note and 1 for a forgery. The demo program uses only the first 20 authentic notes and the first 20 forgeries of the full dataset.
Because the data has four dimensions, it's not possible to display the data in a two-dimensional graph. However, you can get an idea of what the data is like by taking a look at a graph of partial data shown in Figure 2.
The graph plots just the skewness and kurtosis of the 40 data items used in the demo. The graph shows that classifying a banknote as authentic or forgery is a fairly difficult problem.
Quick Summary of Logistic Regression Classification
Logistic regression classification is relatively simple. For a dataset with n predictor variables, there will be n weights plus one special weight called a bias. Weights and biases are just numeric constants with values like -1.2345 and 0.9876. To make a prediction, you sum the products of each predictor value and its associated weight and then add the bias. The sum is often given the symbol z. Then you take the logistic sigmoid of z to get a p-value. If the p-value is less than 0.5 then the prediction is class 0 and if the p-value is greater than or equal to 0.5 then the prediction is class 1.
For example, suppose you have a dataset with three predictor variables and suppose that the three associated weight values are (0.20, -0.40, 0.30) and the bias value is 1.10. If an item to predict has values (5.0, 6.0, 7.0) then:
z = (0.20 * 5.0) + (-0.40 * 6.0) + (0.30 * 7.0) + 1.10
= 1.80
p = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.80))
= 0.8581
Because p is greater than or equal to 0.5 the predicted class is 1.
The function f(x) = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
is called the logistic sigmoid function. The function exp(x)
is Euler's number, approximately 2.718, raised to the power of x.
Determining the values of the weights and bias is called training the model. In addition to evolutionary optimization, there are many other techniques that can be used to train a logistic regression model. Three common training techniques for logistic regression are stochastic gradient descent (SGD), iterated Newton-Raphson, and L-BFGS optimization.
Understanding Evolutionary Optimization
The images in Figure 3 illustrate the key ideas of evolutionary optimization. Because the banknote data has four predictors/features, a logistic regression model solution will have five values – four weights and one bias. Evolutionary optimization creates a population of solutions. The demo uses a population size of six. Each solution has an associated error. The demo uses mean squared error between computed outputs (values between 0.0 and 1.0) and correct outputs (0 or 1).
Evolutionary optimization is an iterative process. In pseudo-code:
create a population of (random) solutions
loop maxGen times
pick two good solutions
use good solutions to create a child solution
mutate child slightly
replace a bad solution with child solution
create a random solution
replace a bad solution with the random solution
return best solution found
If parent1 and parent2 are two good (low error) solutions in the population, to create a child solution you start by generating a random crossover index. Then the child receives the values from the left part of parent1 and the right part of parent2. An alternative approach is to create an additional second child with the right part of parent1 and the left part of parent2.
Mutation is an important part of evolutionary optimization. The approach used in the demo program is:
loop each cell of child solution
generate a random probability p
if p is small give cell a new random value
A key task when using evolutionary optimization is selecting relatively good and bad solutions so that you can use good solutions to generate a new child solution, and you can replace a bad solution with a child solution or a new random solution. The demo program uses a technique called tournament selection. To select a good solution:
set alpha = value between 0 percent and 100 percent
select a random alpha percent subset of population indices
return best index (lowest error) of subset
Suppose, as in the demo, the population size is six and so the indices of the population are (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). And suppose alpha is set to 0.50. This means that a random 0.50 * 6 = 3 indices are selected, for example, (4, 0, 2). From these three, the solution with the lowest error is selected.
The alpha parameter is called the selection pressure. The larger alpha is, the more likely you are to get the absolute best solution in the population. A good value for alpha is problem-dependent and must be determined by trial and error, but 0.80 is a reasonable value to start.
To select a random subset of size n from all population indices, the demo program starts with all indices (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) then shuffles the indices using the Fisher-Yates mini-algorithm, giving for example (3, 5, 0, 1, 4, 2), and then returns the first n indices (3, 5, 0). Simple and effective.
Selecting the index of a relatively bad solution is exactly like selecting a good solution except that after sampling you return the index of the solution that has the highest error.
The Demo Program
To create the demo program, I launched Visual Studio 2019. I used the Community (free) edition but any relatively recent version of Visual Studio will work fine. From the main Visual Studio start window I selected the "Create a new project" option. Next, I selected C# from the Language dropdown control and Console from the Project Type dropdown, and then picked the "Console App (.NET Core)" item.
The code presented in this article will run as a .NET Core console application or as a .NET Framework application. Many of the newer Microsoft technologies, such as the ML.NET code library, specifically target .NET Core so it makes sense to develop most new C# machine learning code in that environment.
I entered "LogisticEvo" as the Project Name, specified C:\VSM on my local machine as the Location (you can use any convenient directory), and checked the "Place solution and project in the same directory" box.
After the template code loaded into Visual Studio, at the top of the editor window I removed all using statements to unneeded namespaces, leaving just the reference to the top level System namespace. The demo needs no other assemblies and uses no external code libraries.
In the Solution Explorer window, I renamed file Program.cs to the more descriptive LogisticEvoProgram.cs and then in the editor window I renamed class Program to class LogisticEvoProgram to match the file name. The structure of the demo program, with a few minor edits to save space, is shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1. Evolutionary Optimization Demo Program Structure
using System;
namespace LogisticEvo
class LogisticEvoProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Evolutionary optimization");
Console.WriteLine("Banknote authenticity");
// Banknote Authentication subset
double[][] trainX = new double[40][];
trainX[0] = new double[] { 3.6216, 8.6661,
-2.8073, -0.44699 };
trainX[1] = new double[] { 4.5459, 8.1674,
-2.4586, -1.4621 };
. . .
trainX[38] = new double[] { -3.5801, -12.9309,
13.1779, -2.5677 };
trainX[39] = new double[] { -1.8219, -6.8824,
5.4681, 0.057313 };
int[] trainY = new int[] {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
int popSize = 6;
int maxGen = 8;
double alpha = 0.40; // selection pressure
double sigma = 0.80; // selection (child)
double omega = 0.50; // selection (new soln)
double mRate = 0.05; // mutation rate
double[] wts = Train(trainX, trainY, popSize,
maxGen, alpha, sigma, omega, mRate, seed: 3);
Console.WriteLine("Best weights found:");
Console.WriteLine("End demo ");
} // Main
static double[] Train(double[][] trainX,
int[] trainY, int popSize, int maxGen,
double alpha, double sigma, double omega,
double mRate, int seed) { . . }
static double[] MakeSolution(int nw,
Random rnd) { . . }
static double[][] MakePopulation(int popSize,
int nw, Random rnd) { . . }
static double[] MakeChild(double[][] pop,
int[] parents, Random rnd) { . . }
static void Mutate(double[] child,
double mRate, Random rnd) { . . }
static int BestSolution(double[] errors) { . . }
static int SelectGood(double[] errors,
double pct, Random rnd) { . . }
static int[] SelectTwo(double[] errors,
double pct, Random rnd) { . . }
static int SelectBad(double[] errors,
double pct, Random rnd) { . . }
static void Shuffle(int[] vec,
Random rnd) { . . }
static double ComputeOutput(double[] x,
double[] wts) { . . }
static double LogSig(double x) { . . }
static double Accuracy(double[][] dataX,
int[] dataY, double[] wts) { . . }
static double Error(double[][] dataX,
int[] dataY, double[] wts) { . . }
static void ShowVector(double[] v) { . . }
} // ns
The program isn't as complicated as it might appear because most of the functions are relatively small and simple helpers. All of the program logic is contained in the Main() method. The demo uses a static method approach rather than an OOP approach for simplicity. All normal error checking has been removed to keep the main ideas as clear as possible.
The demo begins by setting up the 40-item training data:
double[][] trainX = new double[40][];
trainX[0] = new double[] { 3.6216, 8.6661,
-2.8073, -0.44699 };
. .
trainX[39] = new double[] { -1.8219, -6.8824,
5.4681, 0.057313 };
int[] trainY = new int[40] {
0, 0, . . 1 };