The TypeScript datatyping support not only applies to simple variables, it also supports you when doing clever things with functions. Specifically, TypeScript ensures you create reliable code when implementing callback functions.
Functions in TypeScript aren't handled the way you'd expect, based on any other language (including JavaScript). Fortunately, because of the way TypeScript handles functions, you're protected from a common JavaScript error (in addition to getting better IntelliSense support and compile-time checking, of course).
Peter returns to his AJAX-enabled ASP.NET MVC application to show how Partial Views and TypeScript work together to simplify delivering a Single-page application.
Partial Views can make creating Single-Page Applications dramatically easier by better achieving the goals of the MVC design pattern. Here, in TypeScript, is how to leverage Partial Pages to create an AJAX-enabled application in ASP.NET MVC.
In TypeScript 1.4, you get type-safe support even when you may be working with multiple types, better type checking when inferring types and aliases for type definitions.
Now that Google is adopting TypeScript as the development tool for Angular 2, TypeScript 1.5 is going to gain some functionality driven by features in Google AtScript. But there's more in the next version of TypeScript than just AtScript features.
Promises not only provides a simple, flexible interface for assembling chains of asynchronous operations in client-side code, it also makes it easier for you to manage parallel processing.
Promises make asynchronous processing simple, consistent and easy to use. And, with TypeScript and Promises.TypeScript providing support for generic Promises, you get both type safety and IntelliSense support.
The TypeScript approach to data typing is different than what you're used to with server-side languages. This allows the language to integrate with other JavaScript libraries, but the results can surprise you.
Peter finishes off his series on creating single-page applications by showing how jQuery integrates with Backbone to support updates and deletes (also: how to convert a string to a number in TypeScript).
Peter looks at how to call a JavaScript function from your TypeScript code and do it in a type-safe way. Along the way, he dramatically simplifies a Backbone application by integrating Knockout.
There are two strategies for downloading multiple objects from your service with Backbone: The obvious one and the fast one. Peter implements the fast one.
Peter extends his Backbone/Typescript application to support updating and deleting Customer objects. Along the way he discovers what looks like a bug in the way that Backbone and TypeScript work together.
Peter upgrades his Backbone/Typescript to respond to the event raised when the user selects an item in a dropdown list by retrieving related data from a Web API service.
Peter turns the management of his single-page Backbone application over to Backbone itself by integrating Backbone Routers and Events. Plus: How to simplify your TypeScript code with longer namespaces.