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From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
This page is a translated version of a page Help:Contents and the translation is 43% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Help:Contents and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Wikimedia Commons is a repository of free images, videos, sounds and other multimedia files. Uploaded files can be used as local files by other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Meta-Wiki, MediaWiki, Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage, and Wiktionary. The InstantCommons feature also supports imports on other wikis.

Bu sahypa ähli Wikimedia Commons' tehniki hyzmaty we {{Allpages| Kömek}} sahypalarynyň görkezijisidir. Aşakdaky makalalarda Commons community okamak, awtorlaşdyrmak we oňa gatnaşmak barada görkezmeler we maglumatlar bar.

Bilmeli zatlaryňyzy tapmakda kynçylyk çekýärsiňizmi? Eger ýygy-ýygydan soralýan soraglar (FAQ) bilen gurşalanmasa, ' kömek stoly' sorap görüň.

Umumy maglumatlar

Kömek sahypalarynyň toplumy

Wikipediýada maslahat bermek isleýän has uly kömek sahypalaryny tapyp bilersiňiz:

Community pages

Esasy sahypalar:

Maintenance pages:

Getting help:

  • If you have a general question about editing, uploading, the scope of the Wikimedia project, or anything else, you can post a question at the Help Desk and another user will reply.


The function of MediaWiki itself – the software that Wikimedia Commons runs on – is described at the MediaWiki User's Guide in Meta-Wiki. If you suspect a software bug, ask for feedback at the village pump, and then report it using the Phabricator bug report system. This is the only way to get MediaWiki developers to notice your bug reports.

The database of Wikimedia Commons can be downloaded. There is currently no dump of the media files available.

Hukuk maglumatlary we aragatnaşyk

Biziň bilen habarlaşyň, Umumy boýun gaçyrma, Gizlinlik syýasaty, Ygtyýarnama

Wikimedia Commons help contents

Redaktorlar üçin kömek

Täze başlanlar üçin maglumat:

Awtorlyk hukugy barada maglumat:

Umumy maglumat:

Software helpful for Wikimedia Commons:

  • Media faýllaryny redaktirlemek üçin Programma üpjünçiligi we okuw gollanmalary
    • Wideo faýllaryny ýüklemek we ulanmak üçin Wideo gollanma
  • Tools for making work in Commons easier

