<nowiki>Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos; Kor Marin Amerika Syarikat; АИШ-ы Денджызон фистæгæфсады корпус; United States Marine Corps; Американски морски пехотен корпус; Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Deniz Piyade Kolordusu; ریاستہائے متحدہ بحری کور; United States Marine Corps; Корпус морської піхоти США; 美國海軍陸戰隊; 미국 해병대; Marista infanterio de Usono; Námořní pěchota Spojených států amerických; মার্কিন নৌসেনাবাহিনী; Corps des Marines des États-Unis; Korpus mornaričkog pješaštva SAD-a; יו.עס. מארין קארפס; Thủy quân lục chiến Hoa Kỳ; ASV Jūras kājnieku korpuss; Amerikaanse Mariene Korps; Корпус морнаричке пешадије; Unitit States Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; USAs marinekorps; ABŞ dəniz piyadası korpusu; ھێزی پیادەی دەریاییی ویلایەتە یەکگرتووەکان; United States Marine Corps; قوات مشاة بحرية الولايات المتحدة; United States Marine Corps; 美國海軍陸戰隊; az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Tengerészgyalogsága; Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Marineen Gorputza; Cuerpu de Marines de los Estaos Xuníos; Корпус морской пехоты США; United States Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; Корпус марской пяхоты ЗША; ԱՄՆ ծովային հետևակի կորպուս; 美国海军陆战队; United States Marine Corps; アメリカ海兵隊; חיל הנחתים של ארצות הברית; संयुक्त राज्य समुद्री कोर; 美国海军陆战队; Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväki; United States Marine Corps; ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்க ஈரூடகப் படைப்பிரிவு; United States Marine Corps; Ameerika Ühendriikide merejalavägi; Marinski zbor SAD; Trupat e Marinës së Shteteve të Bashkuara; Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos Estados Unidos; United States Marine Corps; USA:s marinkår; امریکی میرین; Jungtinių Valstijų jūrų pėstininkų korpusas; Korpus Mornariške pehote Združenih držav Amerike; تفنگداران دریایی ایالات متحده آمریکا; Корпус на моарнаричката пешадија на САД; Corfflu Môr-filwyr yr Unol Daleithiau; เหล่านาวิกโยธินสหรัฐ; United States Marine Corps; Feachd Saighdearan-mara nan Stàitean Aonaichte; 美國海軍陸戰隊; United States Marine Corps; Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat; Cos de Marines dels Estats Units d'Amèrica; Bí-kok Hái-peng-tūi; Corpo de Marines dos Estados Unidos; Cór Mara na Stát Aontaithe; Σώμα Πεζοναυτών των ΗΠΑ; Корпус марской пяхоты ЗША; rama de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos; branches des forces armées des États-Unis, principalement les fusiliers marins, aviateurs et marins; cos de les forces armades dels EUA; försvarsgren i USA:s väpnade styrkor; Marineinfanterie der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten; ramo de serviço da força terrestre marítima das Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos; 美国第四大军种; یکی از شاخههای نیروهای نظامی ایالات متحده آمریکا; أحد الأفرع الرئيسية في القوات المسلحة للولايات المتحدة; род сил в составе Военно-морских сил США; infanteria marină a Statelor Unite; アメリカ合衆国の海兵隊; 미국의 상륙작전을 수행하는 군사 조직; zložka Ozbrojených síl Spojených štátov; cabang Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat; jeden z rodzajów amerykańskich sił zbrojnych; אחת הזרועות בכוחות המזוינים של ארצות הברית; marinierskorps van de Verenigde Staten, onderdeel van de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten; 美國兩棲作戰部隊; fanteria anfibia degli Stati Uniti d'America; De forente staters marinekorps, et marineinfanteri; Yhdysvaltain asevoimien puolustushaara; maritime land force service branch of the United States Armed Forces; United States Marine Corps (USMC); složka ozbrojených sil USA; quân chủng của Quân đội Hoa Kỳ; Cuerpo de Marines de Estados Unidos; Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina; United States Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; USMC; Cos de Marines; Marines; Marine Corps; USMC; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; US Marines; USMC; US Marine Corps; USMC; US Marines; United States Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; USMC; 米国海兵隊; USMC; US Marines; USMC; חיל הנחתים האמריקאי; חיל הנחתים האמריקני; Det amerikanske marinekorpset; USMC; USMC; Marinski korpus; United States Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; USMC; 미국 해병; 미 해병; USMC; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marines; U.S. Marines; U.S. Marine Corps; مارينز; مشاة البحرية الاميركية; المارينز; المرينز الأمريكي; مرينز الولايات المتحدة; قوات مشاة البحرية الأمريكية; مشاة بحرية الولايات المتحدة; مشاة البحرية الأمريكية; قوات المارينز; Námořní pěchota USA; Thủy quân lục chiến Hoa Kì; Thuỷ quân lục chiến Hoa Kỳ; Thuỷ quân lục chiến Hoa Kì; Thủy quân lục chiến Mỹ; Thủy quân lục chiến Mĩ; Thuỷ quân lục chiến Mỹ; Thuỷ quân lục chiến Mĩ</nowiki>
English: The
United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the U.S. military responsible for providing power projection from the sea, utilizing the mobility of the
U.S. Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces to global crises.
See United States Marine Corps training.
See United States Marine Corps military exercises.
United States Marine Corps History
See History of the United States Marine Corps.
See United States Marine Corps in World War I.
See United States Marine Corps in World War II.
See United States Marine Corps in the Korean War.
See United States Marine Corps in Vietnam.
See United States Marine Corps in Lebanon.
Afghanistan (2001–present)
See United States Marine Corps in Afghanistan.
Iraq (2003-present)
See United States Marine Corps in Iraq.
Marine Corps Firepower
See Weapons of the United States Marine Corps.
Rockets, missiles and crew serviced weapons
See Artillery of the United States Marine Corps.
See Vehicles of the US Marine Corps.
See United States Marine Corps aviation.
Marine Corps Abilities
See United States Marine Corps power projection.
Security and policing
Logistics, maintenance, intelligence and engineering support
See United States Marine Corps supporting arms.
Eagle, Globe, and Anchor
See Emblems of the United States Marine Corps.
Life in the Marine Corps
See Life in the United States Marine Corps.
See Uniforms of the United States Marine Corps.
See Sports in the United States Marine Corps.
See Ceremony in the United States Marine Corps.
Marines in Public life
See People of the United States Marine Corps.
Prototype technologies