Microsoft's dev team for Visual Studio 2022 for Mac is seeking more developer feedback on top issues faces by users as it polishes up the IDE, which just shipped in Preview 9.
Epic fail by editor of Visual Studio Magazine, who has never even HEARD of Browxy.
Microsoft's Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 8 is out with the dev team addressing top feedback issues as part of a huge effort to revamp the IDE and provide quality equal to its Windows counterpart, which debuted last November.
The potentially game-changing tech drew many "ooohs" and "aaahs" from the developer community -- and a fair amount of debate about ethics and security -- when it was unveiled last summer for Visual Studio Code.
Microsoft has published guidance on how to prepare for the upcoming end of support for .NET 5.
The customized, GPU-supported, Azure VM comes pre-installed with tools enabling game production on the cloud, suitable for use with Unreal Engine and Perforce Helix Core.
The second preview of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 is out with a full gamut of tweaks across all areas: including C++, .NET productivity, web tools and testing.
Visual Studio 2022 for Mac keeps trudging along toward general availability several months behind its Windows cousin, with the latest preview introducing new Azure Functions V4 tooling and reintroducing Xamarin mobile tooling.
After a previous version was canceled, Azure Sphere is back on track in version 22.02, which comes with a brand-new extension for Visual Studio 2022.
Microsoft is previewing Microsoft Edge Developers Tools for Visual Studio with an extension now available in the IDE's marketplace that lets developers preview ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core projects.
Last month's Visual Studio 2022 for Mac v17.0 Preview 5 was a big deal -- dumping the Mono runtime for .NET 6 -- but it also introduced some issues, which the dev team addressed in the new Preview 6.
Microsoft shipped the first update to Visual Studio 2022, version 17.1, with faster code search, synched code files, Git improvements and much more.
Support for coding Windows apps has arrived with Flutter 2.10, Google's open source framework for building natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
The extension "makes it easy to code, build, deploy, and debug your IoT Edge solutions in Visual Studio 2022, by providing a rich set of functionalities."
"There is a definite need for the ability to roll back a Visual Studio release, or to lock a Visual Studio sub-release at a given version."
The recently released Visual Studio 2022 17.1 Preview 3 improves code search even more than gains made in the jump from VS 2019 to VS 2022.
Visual Studio 2022 for Mac has parted ways with the Mono runtime in the just-published Preview 5, now running on .NET 6.
Microsoft quietly shipped Visual Studio 2022 v17.1 Preview 3 with enhancements to web tools.
Microsoft provided an update on its years-long effort to bring the new Windows Forms designer up to speed with the old .NET Framework version.
Four new Git features have been added to Visual Studio 2022 in the latest update, Preview 2, including the ability to compare branches and multi-repo branching.
In announcing an internal revamp of Visual Studio's "Send Feedback" functionality, Microsoft received a bunch of feedback about problems with how the company handles feedback.
The Visual Studio dev team is investigating and seeking input on a dashboard to minimize coding distractions and consolidate communications, coding workflow and other resources into one place.
One nifty little feature in the brand-new Visual Studio 2022 17.1 Preview 2 is automatic code cleanup on save.
Microsoft shipped Preview 2 of its groundbreaking 64-bit Visual Studio 2022 IDE, officially called version 17.1.
The problematic Visual Studio for Mac 2022 is out in Preview 4, which adds new window drag-and-drop functionality and improves code searching and navigation.