Articles by Matthew Stibbe

A person sits on a comfy chair in an office setting. They are gesturing with their hands, having a discussion with someone out of view. In front of them is a round, green coffee table with two blue mugs on top.

11 reasons why you should choose HubSpot over WordPress

Today, we're talking about the differences between HubSpot Content Hub and WordPress for hosting a website. We have our clear preference,...

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Copywriter working on laptop
How to write

Want to write well? Open with a punch, close with a kick

There are two words that every writer needs to know if they're going to learn how to write well: lede and kicker. Most writers will be...

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Website exploding out of a laptop screen

How to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for a new website

Every website project starts with a leap of faith.

Posted by Matthew Stibbe

How to build a world-class investor relations area for your website with HubSpot Content Hub

“Investors, both individual and professional, want more than just the data that independent services can provide. They want the company’s...

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
10 psychological barriers to the website of your dreams
Agency Insights

10 psychological barriers to the website of your dreams

Upgrading your website is a complex undertaking and lots of things can get in the way.

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Product literature - image of books

Top tips to optimise your marketing and sales with product literature

Do you ‘have marketing content’, or do you actually have product literature?

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
An illustrated person reading the beginner's guide to social media marketing on their phone
Social media
Lead generation

The beginner’s guide to social media marketing

Some businesses dive right into social media and attempt to strike it lucky on every platform available. The problem is, just like any form...

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Black and white illustrated image of a man using an accessible website on a laptop, with a green circle in the background

Why accessibility is crucial for website design

When we think about website accessibility, it’s often considered a ‘nice-to-have’ rather than an essential part of design.

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Persuasive writing
How to write

The ultimate guide to persuasive business writing

We’ve gathered expert tips on persuasive writing from the team at Articulate Marketing. We want to help you understand the personal and...

Posted by Matthew Stibbe
Illustration of three people surrounding and working on a piece of work (blog: The difference between differentiation and me-too blah-blah)
Brand Recognition

The difference between differentiation and me-too blah-blah

Need some branding advice?

Posted by Matthew Stibbe