It's hard to speak human when you're in tech. But it’s not impossible. Here are some copywriting examples from technology companies to show...
There are two words that every writer needs to know if they're going to learn how to write well: lede and kicker. Most writers will be...
Content is the answer to a question, the key to a puzzle, the information station on the road to progress. More than this, content is the...
The words you use on your website, in your letters, on your products and in your documentation and marketing collateral literally define...
Thought leadership articles are one of the hardest forms of content marketing to get right. You needin-depth research, remarkable writing...
How long do you think it takes visitors to decide whether they want to stay on your B2B site? 10 seconds? It's more like 50 milliseconds…...
Proofreading is a lot like eating your five fruits and vegetables a day. It's something everyone knows they need to do, but really? Do I...
Marketing copywriters are a sub-species of geek. It’s a little-known fact, but the two tribes have a lot in common:
From emails to social media and memes to fake news, is it any wonder we find it hard to concentrate on important tasks?
All of us have at some point been bored to tears by a presentation. If you are lucky, you have also been informed, excited and inspired by...