Your B2B website is the front line of your content marketing strategy, so don’t cut corners with the copy. After all, your copy will...
What you find helpful, inspiring or informative can be a very subjective business, but not knowing where to go when you're confronted by a...
Interviews matter. A good interview is the foundation of good reporting. They are the best way of understanding a complicated situation and...
Content marketing has revolutionised the way we communicate with our customers. Ninety-one percent of B2C businesses create online content,...
‘If we don’t find something pleasant, at least we’ll find something new.’ – Voltaire
The first step to good B2B tech content writing is to avoid bad writing altogether.
How to edit. Everyone has their own views on this topic. Do you tell it straight? ‘Sandwich’ criticism between two compliments? When is a...
You probably can’t go a day, or even an hour, without writing a letter, email, business plan, proposal, report, memo, social media post or...
Full disclosure: I used to be a journalist. This is why I still get dozens of press releases every day in my inbox even even though my day...
Whether you’re a natural when it comes to writing or each word comes with its share of blood, sweat and tears, a helping hand will never go...