Your B2B website is the front line of your content marketing strategy, so don’t cut corners with the copy. After all, your copy will...
You know how to write a headline.
Nobody writes letters anymore. But maybe they should. The anticipation, the ripping of the envelope (with your finger because a knife’s...
Words, words, words. We write them, read them, speak them and listen to them every day, yet words’ ability to persuade, elicit emotion and...
We have written before about what copywriters do, but who is the copywriter?
Email marketing is a fine art. Too many and you come across as a spambot, too few and you leave your leads dangling.
The buyer persona, as we've said before, should be the keystone of your marketing strategy. But there's a fine line between a persona and a...
hashtag n. (on social media web sites and applications) a word or phrase preceded by a hash and used to identify messages relating to a...
'Content marketing's just touchy feely nonsense. How does it make me money?' Does this sound familiar?