Articles by Toby Knott

30 copywriting tips that'll boost your website conversions

30 copywriting tips that'll boost your website conversions

Your B2B website is the front line of your content marketing strategy, so don’t cut corners with the copy. After all, your copy will...

Posted by Toby Knott
The art and science of great headlines illustrated by a blank newspaper headline space
How to do marketing

What makes you click? The art and science of great headlines

You know how to write a headline.

Posted by Toby Knott
Fountain pen and handwritten letter
How to write

6 copywriting lessons from great letter writers

Nobody writes letters anymore. But maybe they should. The anticipation, the ripping of the envelope (with your finger because a knife’s...

Posted by Toby Knott
Persuasive words - 'Hello Beautiful' on the side of a building
How to write

The most persuasive words in copywriting

Words, words, words. We write them, read them, speak them and listen to them every day, yet words’ ability to persuade, elicit emotion and...

Posted by Toby Knott
inside the mind of the copywriter
How we work
Writing tools

Who are copywriters? Inside the mind of the copywriter

We have written before about what copywriters do, but who is the copywriter?

Posted by Toby Knott
Stack of enticing macaroons symbolising an enticing email campaign
How to do marketing

How to craft email campaigns that entice and convert

Email marketing is a fine art. Too many and you come across as a spambot, too few and you leave your leads dangling.

Posted by Toby Knott
Silhouette of a cliche - woman with too much shopping and gifts
How to do marketing

Are you marketing to people or stereotypes?

The buyer persona, as we've said before, should be the keystone of your marketing strategy. But there's a fine line between a persona and a...

Posted by Toby Knott
Hashtag symbol made out of knives
How to do marketing

Hashtag this: how to use hashtags to serve your business

hashtag n. (on social media web sites and applications) a word or phrase preceded by a hash and used to identify messages relating to a...

Posted by Toby Knott
Woman using social media on her phone
How to do marketing
Social media

How to streamline your social media strategy

Posted by Toby Knott
The best way to pitch a content marketing plan to your boss
How to do marketing

The best way to pitch a content marketing plan to your boss

'Content marketing's just touchy feely nonsense. How does it make me money?' Does this sound familiar?

Posted by Toby Knott