Behind every great writer, there's a great editor. But what exactly do they do? How do they work? What goes through their mind when a brief...
Bad writing is expensive. You can spend a lot of money building a great website and ruin it with lousy copy. Spelling mistakes alone are...
We've put together a little list for you:
'Short words are best and old words when short are best of all,' said Winston Churchill. He won a Nobel prize for literature and his...
It doesn't matter what industry you work in, or what your job title is – you probably write copy for customers and colleagues. It can be as...
Pixar story artist Emma Coats has tweeted a series of rules of storytelling so you can learn how to tell a story the Pixar way:
Research has identified two types of people, those whose left-brain is dominant and those were the right-brain dominates. The dominant...
Shorter, punchier copy is more readable and more memorable than obese copy. You can test this in your own life. Why do we like top ten...
In this final guest post, Christian Arno from Lingo24 explains the difference between translation and transcreation. It’s an important...
Quotations can make an article, press release or case study real, or they can make them deathly dull. As a writer, it’s your choice. You...