There are metrics, and then there are metrics. We've already talked about the dangers of pursuing vanity metrics – those that look pretty...
Today, I ordered a gold laptop. This is what I learned about marketing from the experience.
It's hard to speak human when you're in tech. But it’s not impossible. Here are some copywriting examples from technology companies to show...
'No bucks, no Buck Rogers' as the astronauts say in Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff.
If your CRM platform is the back-end of your tech stack, then marketing channels are the front-end. They are the (primarily) digital...
You need the right skills in your business to deliver on your promises to customers.
‘The Beatles didn’t invent teenagers,’ says Seth Godin in his TED talk, The Tribes We Lead. ‘They merely chose to lead them.’
Are you guilty of committing random acts of marketing? Marketing without rhyme or reason makes your efforts half-hearted, erratic and...
Like copywriting, from the outside, marketing can seem obscure. Those who aren’t in the industry never quite see the bigger picture and,...
Newsflash: the person in the mirror is not your customer. You are not your customer.