How I focus on writing To be a great writer, you have to be able to concentrate. It’s not the only thing you’ll need, but it’s certainly a...
Most emails are badly written. This isn’t surprising given that there are 293.6 billion of them being sent every day. Despite the rise in...
What you find helpful, inspiring or informative can be a very subjective business, but not knowing where to go when you're confronted by a...
People are more motor-mouthed than nimble-fingered. In fact, we speak three times faster than we type. Dictaphones and similar tools for...
‘If we don’t find something pleasant, at least we’ll find something new.’ – Voltaire
How to edit. Everyone has their own views on this topic. Do you tell it straight? ‘Sandwich’ criticism between two compliments? When is a...
Whether you’re a natural when it comes to writing or each word comes with its share of blood, sweat and tears, a helping hand will never go...
There are many voices calling for the death of the press release (e.g. Die Press Release Die or Amy Gahran, who wants to put them out of...
Strong research is the backbone of strong copy. Without it, there is nothing anchoring your words to the truth. This is something you have...
You don’t have to be the David Attenborough of writing to be able to spot sucky writing lurking in the undergrowth. Once you know what...