As writers, we're working for the reader. Not your boss and not yourself. This is why readability metrics can be helpful. They are a tool...
Companies lavish great sums on ads, branding and websites. But they give less thought to the everyday writing they create. I’m not talking...
Good writing briefs are the launchpad for good marketing copy. You need to be clear aboutwhat you want, when you want it and how you want...
Far from being just another faddish marketing tool, marketing personas can make or break your inbound marketing. They can help you to...
An editorial calendar is like aroadmap for content creation; it tells you what, where and when to publish and which personas you should be...
Every sales manager wants more hot leads. Every marketing manager wants a better return from their advertising and PR spend. So this...
You can’t just throw content at passers-by and hope it’ll stick. You needlead nurturing. Inbound content marketing is an ordered, regular...
People don’t read website copy on a screen the same way they read a book or magazine. Your readers’ eyesskip about a web page like a child...
The main problem with company blogs is that they often get neglected after the honeymoon period has worn off. This article is an...
'England and America are two countries divided by a common language,' - George Bernard Shaw.