The media work with stories. Human brains are wired for stories. But what is a story?
Giving an interview should be a positive experience. It’s not like public speaking and it’s not like being cross-examined by Jeremy Paxman....
Why do companies insist on using press release Frankenquotes? For a classic example, see this from our old friends Nortel:
This piece is from the heart. I’ve made my fair share of marketing mistakes running two tech companies – Intelligent Games and Turbine –...
Content is important for SEO, right? Yes. The more content the better, right? Yes. But not just any content. And not at any price.
I am a fan of Guy Kawasaki from way back. His first book, The Macintosh Way, inspired me to start my own business when I was at university....
Observe, orient, decide, act: how Articulate Marketing make agile and traffic planning work.
Do you get to the end of the day and feel like you have nothing to show for it? You’re not alone. Now ask yourself: ‘how much time did I...
Over the last decade, my company, Articulate Marketing, has written marketing content for some of the biggest stars in the tech firmament...
Inspired by the extreme programming movement, at Articulate we put two writers on every project in a process we call 'pair writing'. They...